We are passionate, personally supportive and committed to human well-being and performance as well as to business compliance and growth. We are willing to serve by combining several years of professional experiences supporting organizations with the personal vocation, the passion and enhanced updated skills for human accompaniment.
Passion - Commitment - Integrity - Enthuhsiasm - Empathy
« Doing what we love & loving what we do» - « Being involved & Keeping promises »
« Doing the right thing & being honest» - « Listening, feeling & understanding the other»
« Keeping/Sharing energy & good vibes, being proactive & warm hearted »
Over 10 Years Of experienceS
In providing exceptional clients services with passion and with personal commitment for quality
RHD Business consulting is a professional services provider focused on human wellbeing and performance as well as business compliance and growth. Its registration in 2022 results from a long process of personal and
professional growth of the founder.
Set up as a formal enterprise, RHD Business Consulting is leaded by the desire to
provide exceptional support services both for humans and companies by combining several years of professional experiences supporting organizations with the personal vocation, the passion and enhanced updated
skills for human accompaniment.
For the need of some specific cases and/or for any particular request of partnership, RHD Business Consulting is open to and can work in collaboration with selected trusted external experts.
- Deeply human-centered, I believe that :
- The Human Being is the most precious treasure and that Serving humanity is the noblest lifetime achievement
- That organizations' prosperity and business optimization needs a safe business environment and a sound climat of competitiveness, a clear knowledge and understanding of legal frameworks for better compliance and mostly human's wellbeing, performance and skills capitalization.
Graduated in Business Law and experienced in Tax, Legal and HR regulations consulting services, Danielle has evolved and worked within a large international and integrated firm member of the "BIG 4" and another company member of a Mauritus group operating in various sectors. She has collaborated with local and international clients and colleagues, has worked on various sectors and on different technical topics.
Danielle has integrated the professional coaching initiation program by a Harward Kennedy School Coach Hasina Ranaivo under the first cohort of pool coachs "Ichiban" and followed the "360 coaching" training program with Silvie Cincotta, Expert in motivation and engagement strategies and member of International Coach Federation. Starting her career at the lowest level as a Junior consultant, she has evolved step by step to become a Manager. She has been in a role of a technical consultant, a trainer, a counselor, a team manager, a mentor, a coach and has followed several training/courses/programs, mainly on leadership & management skills, human talent & personal growth, team management, project management, training, mentoring and coaching...
Her experiences in human performance and organizational supports are also increased through her associatives activities as a trainer, a mentor, an advisor and by helding a leadership & management role such as a project director, a vice president, a recruitment director...
Respect Bienveillance Empathie Entraide Solidarité

Pleased to help
Justice Equité Egalité Integrité Inclusivité
Corporate Social Responsibilities and Volunteering activities
Danielle is the initiator and coordinator of program SAJES, a communautary service for legal assistance and local community assistance for vulnerable people. Area of intervention : education and citizenship, Family and childs, youth employment and responsibility, Female empowerment & fight against GBV.
Legal Assistance Component : Legal assistance for vulnerable and disadvantaged people. Contribution to efforts in favor of the effectiveness of the law, allowing each citizen to know and have the possibility to enjoy their fundamental rights and to be aware of their obligations and responsibilities.
A digital legal clinic: Information - Orientation - Assistance related to Human Rights, Family Law, Children's Rights, Women's Rights, Labor Law, Property Law, Inheritance Law, Contract Law, Civics legal and tax. A platform for the dissemination of legal information, vulgarization (Popularization) - Sensibilisation (Awareness) - Promotion and vulgarization of the law, exchange and mutual assistance to facilitate access to legal information. Collect and group in one stop shop information that are published on different platforms by various organizations and by the project's team relating to existing laws in force in Madagascar, on the rights and obligations of each citizen, on the different actors working for the effectiveness of the law (website, pages, physical addresses, contacts, etc.), on the information, documents required, steps/procedures to follow...
SAJES is also a collaboration with the various actors working for the effectiveness of the law and a means of making them even better known and more accessible to the public.
Social Mutual Assistance component: Community mutual assistance for vulnerable and disadvantaged people.
Contribution to efforts in favor of the professionalization of young people (middle school students, high school students, high school graduates, university students) and women. Personal and professional development through information, training, guidance, support (mentoring, coaching) and assistance…
As an actor in the promotion of business law and a collaborator for the development of entrepreneurship, Danielle is the initiator and coordinator of JDAI which is a program to promote business law, to contribute to the development of entrepreneurhip, to encourage legal and formal entrepreneurship and to support youth professional empowerment. JDAI is reloaded as a digital channel, a one stop shop grouping business law & tax law datas, professional & entrepreneurship tips as well as a plateform for mentoring & professional networking.
JDAI's Objectives :
- To guide business creators by offering them the legal background necessary to better undertake and secure their businesses: information about the legal business environment in Madagascar, different legal requirements before, during and after the incorporation of the company. To contribute to reduce “informal” sector : encourage business creators to operate formally by registering their businesses, to emphasise advantages of formal business, to demonstrate that carrying activities legally open more opportunities to find clients and to get financing partners;
To support youth creativity : encourage talented and creative young people to create, to protect their works and creations (Intellectual property);
To support youth with their professional career : guidance through mentoring and networking
Initially in 2011, JDAI has organized a public event, an entrepreneurship fair known as "Salon Entreprendre Légalement" (Doing Business Legally). It was a one stop shop open day tht has involved different actors in entrepreneurship with different exhibition spaces (companies’creation partner EDBM, financing partner as banks and microfinance institutions), conference - debates, training workshops, information areas, professional meetings.
Danielle is deeply committed to girls' causes and women's empowerment.
Membership to JCI since 2008. JCI is a global network of young active citizens which works to contribute to the improvement of the leadership and entrepreneurship skills of young people.
MiHTA has been created for common interests. Acting individually and collectively as citizen, we work mainly on education, solidarity and law to support the most vulnerables and childrens's rights through community actions : mutual help, donations, informations, sensitization and sharing of knowledges.